Apartment Therapy : House Call

I'm going to post this and then I won't mention our place again for at least a few months because I know I've beat this thing over the head...


Okay.  You know I love our apartment, so it should come as no surprise that I threw some pictures and a little write-up together and sent it off on a whim to Apartment Therapy this weekend.  Why not, right?  I mean, how many submissions can they honestly get from Salisbury, NC... 


Monday morning I get any email from one of their editors that they planned on publishing our story on a House Call!  I almost threw-up from the excitement.  Here's where it could get even better : they have a list of active leads for full House Tours (where they do a big old write-up about you, the home, etc and bring in a professional photographer to capture all of it), and they've added us to that list!  We're crossing our fingers that we get a call from a photographer / the House Tour coordinator sometime soon.  Matt and I are SO excited.
