Wedding Planning Has Taken Over My Life.

I think I mentioned (and will probably continue to do so - brace yourselves) that I'm engaged and planning a wedding.  So funny how quickly it takes over your brain - I was so wrapped-up in deadlines and launching my shop and getting ready for the holidays with my growing family, and then Matt proposed.  And now I'm behind on almost everything.

We're getting married up at his mom's house in the NC mountains, which will be amazing, meaningful, and perfect for us.  But it has it's challenges.  

This is where being a designer comes in really handy - anyone else might be nervously guessing about what might fit where, but after a couple trips out with a tape measure and an evening with Sketchup, we've mapped out ceremony, reception and rain plans.  Some might see this as neurotic, but it is my first moment of crazy Bridezilla-ness and is totally necessary.  
